Today Updates: --- Applied fiter to comet chat messages in the ui messages based on tags. -- Done --- user messages --- proposal messages --- schedule messages --- When auto Listing and comeback to previous step then the auto information should remain saved. -- Done --- When Add Listing and comeback to previous step then the listing information should remain saved. -- Done --- text is coming up twice -- Done --- change text to add your delivery address -- Done --- This section should come after delivery options section --- Done --- The text needs to be near the haeding and reduce that space --- There must be heading Checkout -- Done --- Reduce the space --- Done --- Dimension of the button needs to be according to figma -- Done --- Heading of price must be in symmetry with price -- Done --- Reduce the space -- Done --- font size needs to be 16px -- Done --- Needs to be in symmetry --Done --- Drop down button is not visible properly -- Done ---Video - Today update: 1. worked on creating api for sending schedule messages of the meeting mobile team. -- Done 2. worked on schedule api update according to mobile team. -- Done 3. Change user role and redirect to listing page when role buyer. -- Done 4. Need to add inbox message feature on service pages also, single expert page, near hire expert button. in progress 5. the credit card logo pulls MasterCard logo when I clearly loaded an Amex card. Should display proper card logo. pending Mobile Issues: --- working on creating api for sending initial messages of offer proposal for mobile team. --- There must be heading -- All Messages -- DOne --- the field is required text needs to in the side of fields heading --- Make the dept. field required - Done --- font size needs to according to figma -- Done --- Reduce the space - Done --- this pop up should match slide 44 -- Done --- this pop up should match slide 43 -- Done --- The buttons needs to be aligned in symmtery with sort drop down -- Done --- This pop up should match slide 50 -- Done --- If Buyer sends customer a message about an item, makes an offer on an item, etc..... please automatically Add the Item to their Wishlist. --- Done --- Show vin number along with products detail page auto detail page. -- Done --- Accept/ Reject on schedule Request from chat. Done --- comet chat messages not opening from dashboard showing no userfound. --- Done --- There must be option of ALL in the filter -- Done --- Please clean up the inbox layout so it is as clean as Gmail or Zoho mail etc. Smaller font, but cleaner grid and table style design -- Done --- Not able to open the product -- Done --- Issue Cometchat user not creating in mobile app. -- they have not implemented user creation api if we implement usercreation in login api then login will break on web. These are the recents completed tasks from the list -- Please make it so inbox “From” is the persons First and Last Name. -- Done -- Please clean up the inbox layout so it is as clean as Gmail or Zoho mail etc. Smaller font, but cleaner grid and table style design with as much details as possible to sort by and see in the screen. We’re trying to beat eBay and Wayfair here with this product and be a unicorn. Design needs to be clean enterprise level all-around for both THS and FDA. -- Please clean up the inbox layout so it is as clean as Gmail or Zoho mail etc. Smaller font, but cleaner grid and table style design with as much details as possible to sort by and see in the screen. -- Can Calendar “Schedule Requests” be added to the Messages filters as well for redundancy? -- Done -- When you click Delivery.....and then un-click it, it leaves the Delivery input questions on the screen. When you click and unclick pickup, it can get twisted backwards. -- Fixed -- Need ability to 'View Listing' from the Message screen with the Buyer/Seller - Done -- Add seller profile link from chat About seller section -- Done -- Schedule OFFERS are not populating in the Inbox. -- Done -- When on the Chat page - the 5th star should be in the same row. -- Done -- Fix font on the Inbox and clean it up please to look professional. -- Done -- pop-up always remains on the top when getting video call from comet chat -- Done -- If Buyer sends customer a message about an item, makes an offer on an item, etc..... please automatically Add the Item to their Wishlist. -- done -- Fix font on the Inbox and clean it up please to look professional. -- Fixed Not sure who changed our site font to "bubbly" but we want it to remain clean. This is a business tool -- Show prefilled data when search default auto product and when come back display prefilled. -- Done -- Add comet chat video calling feature instead of zoom meeting. --Done --- MESSAGES should auto-load the Newest UNREAD message. Need a way to show them if other Older messages have been read or Unread through bold font.....maybe include a "New" or "Unread" tag. --- Want Users to have ability to Narrow Messages by: My Customer Messages My Sales Messages New Unread Messages Proposal Messages Delivery Messages Dispute Messages etc. !currently only two type of message send between users 1. proposal messages 2. schedule messages --- show category underneath add to listing button when click + button from header to reduce one step. -- Done Pending : 1. sync calender events with apple calenders -- there is no official api by apple to add events to calender 2. Add a Listing>>>Add a Time-Slot is very Confusing.. Something needs to tell the customer to click and choose a slot..Also, the colors are wrong..They should all be white, and when selected should turn blue. -- popup shows all selected slots already no need to select slots. Today task: --- Need to add inbox message feature on service pages also, single expert page, near hire expert button. in progress --- the credit card logo pulls MasterCard logo when I clearly loaded an Amex card. Should display proper card logo. Added for some Brands --- Messages changes: Can we add a box at top of Message for User to "Schedule Meeting" with User? Also, can we please remove email addresses from Outward Facing View completely? - checked I think the only place we want to see email address is in the customer Profile. -- checked All customer data should remain hidden from public view. I also think we should eliminate full names.-- I think we should only display First Name and Last Initial (ex: Ben H.) Today updates: --- the credit card logo pulls MasterCard logo when I clearly loaded an Amex card. Should display proper card logo. Done for some brands and if not in our db then show default logo --- Auto Section add as an option for Add a Listing page -- 6 options we will have category -- Done --- Updated Shopify product APi to Fetch Dates of selected days in pickup. --- Need to add inbox message feature on service pages also. -- Done --- Show Send message on single expert page, near hire expert button. Done --- Start Chat between two users in service portal side. Pending --- Messages changes: Also, can we please remove email addresses from Outward Facing View completely? - checked no issue I think the only place we want to see email address is in the customer Profile. -- checked All customer data should remain hidden from public view. -- checked I also think we should eliminate full names.-- pending I think we should only display First Name and Last Initial (ex: Ben H.) -- pending Today Updates: 1. working on creating chat between buyer and providers. with static values --- Done and tested 2. working on redirecting to chat when click on messages in the inbox service portal. -- Done 3. Worked on issue in detail page api showing wrong delivery data if no delivery option selected. -- Done 4. We have displayed credit cards logo on dashboard for following brands. 1. Amex 2. MasterCard 3. visa 4. jcb 5. Can we add a box at top of Message for User to "Schedule Meeting" with User? - Done 6. Updated autolisting api with next pickup dates of the day like monday etc. -- Done 7. Update thsuser id in the service portal user database to start dynamic chats. -- pending